
Get action now.

Protect yourself and protect your family.


I was sitting in my garage playing guitar when I got a call from my old boss/long term mentor. This guy was COO of a healthcare company that sold for $1B a few years before. Sharp dude, very practical. “Get to Sam’s now and buy as much food as you can.”

Covid had landed in the USA and panic was breaking out. Women were assaulting each other for toilet paper while their husbands grabbed 30 packs of miller lite. Long lines formed at our local sporting good stores for guns as our background check system was flooded and ammo was rationed.

Most people aren’t ready for the future and when faced with emergencies they can’t process data effectively and make decisions rationally. In fact, we all struggle to make decisions rationally, even when stakes aren’t high.

We make emotional decisions and rationalize them.

Add an emergency into this and next thing you know your family is wiping their ass with bulk TP while dad gets drunk and everyone is starving. This is where that next level of panic sets in.

9 meals from anarchy? Go without 3 and see how on edge you feel. Now think about looking at your family once 6 meals have been missed.

Get the point?

Don’t think you aren’t capable of absolute depravity when your little girls stomach is growling and you see no relief in sight?

What do you think the neighbor you hate would be willing to do before he misses that 9th meal?

Now, to be clear I don’t think the future of America necessarily means empty grocery stores/nothing to eat.

But at my local stores it is the outside aisles that concern me.

Rising meat prices and shortages on the map. Large amounts of dairy and vegetables missing. Rising fertilizer prices.

If you listened to 

BowTied Bull you have a freezer full of meat. Not only can you eat but you saved a lot of money.


I think the future looks more like what flavor Doritos pair well with specific microwave pizza bites. Now add in some inflation and shrinkflation. Some Q1 2023 lay offs.

The powder keg is smoking.

When I became a father 7 years ago, an overwhelming sense of duty and responsibility landed on my shoulders. I take it seriously.

If you do too, 

BowTiedGasMask is the place for you.


Here is what you won’t find here-

  • Self sustaining tilapia farms

  • LARPing

  • Ideas and advice that take major money to implement

  • Best anti-venom to stock pile if bit by a rattler in the mountains of Arizona


Here is what you will find

  • Practical and actionable advice for any budget to protect and provide for your family in an emergency

  • Building short, intermediate, long term food storage for your specific needs

  • Water filtration and purification

  • Emergency medical supplies and medication

  • Protecting your family and yourself from violence

I’m proud to be joining the jungle and helping you get ready for whatever the future has in mind for us. Follow me on twitter!